Join our team

How we work

ACTANT is a guild-like organization that forms teams of members who work independently on a project-by-project basis. Some members belong to ACTANT while working as freelancers or running a business, while others manage both their artistic activities and the work of ACTANT. Each member designs their own relationship with ACTANT – when, where and how they work – to suit their own business and lifestyle, and to achieve a free and autonomous way of working.

The ACTANT community focuses on a flexible and flat environment that maximizes members’ creativity and promotes mutual growth. We have a cooperative system in place to realize well-being in the way we work as part of ACTANT, including casual communication at regular meetings and online information exchange, as well as support for promotions and back-office tasks that are difficult to handle individually.

The studio, located in Nishiwaseda, is a shared space that members can use. It is not only a workspace, but also a base for workshops, design production, and communication, functioning like a clubhouse (a club room, a place to gather, learn, and play).

At ACTANT, exciting collaborations with people with different expertise and perspectives often arise. We are looking for people who share this culture and are willing to create new values with us. If you are interested in joining us, please feel free to contact us.

*We are currently looking for people to partner with ACTANT and are not hiring full-time employees.

Currently available position

No vacancies


All personal information submitted for applications is only used for the purposes of screening and review. Following recruitment screenings, personal information is promptly disposed of.
*Required fields

  • Name*

  • Email address*

  • Telephone number

  • Organization*

    If you are a freelancer, please indicate this in the comments.

  • CV and/or portfolio

    Please include a URL used to share your application materials and/or a web site or social media page showing your portfolio.

  • Why do you want to work at ACTANT?*

    If you have a specific range of time in mind for when you would like to join us, or any other requests or requirements, please do not hesitate to list them here.

  • How did you hear about ACTANT?

    Multiple answers possible